pregnant lady

Everyone is a storyteller. And if you are pregnant or have given birth, you surely have a story or two up your sleeve. From the time you first saw that line on your home pregnancy test to the day you felt your first real contractions, a lot has happened. And is the place to share those meaningful moments.

So go ahead and share your story. Be it funny stories, first time stories, inspirational stories, embarrassing stories or Birth Stories, we would love to hear from you.

Tell us about how you broke the news to your partner or family; describe your strange cravings; explain how you deal with morning sickness or describe a really funny prenatal class. Did you exhibit strange behavior while 'nesting'? And where did your water break? How did you feel the first time you held your newborn? Simply choose your category and start writing!

Please note that will review your story upon submission. If there are any glaring typos or misspellings, we have the right to lightly edit your work. And if we deem the content to be inappropriate or if it contains unsuitable subject matter, we have the right to refuse posting it. You will be notified by email once your story is posted.

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