First Trimester

Trying to get pregnant is an exciting time in a woman's life, but it isn't always easy. From counting menstrual cycles to buying countless pregnancy tests, getting pregnant is often an experience in and of itself. We want to hear about all of your experiences, from your first pregnancy test right up to your first pregnancy symptoms. And feel free to share your conception secrets with other hopeful couples!

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A Miracle and Mistake that happened at 14

I am 14, and I am not a single mother. I am now 13 weeks and 2 days. I do not live with my mom or day, but I live with my older sister who is now my gaurdian. I told my boyfriend when I was 6 weeks and he was very excited. I am due May 18, 2009. My boyfriends grandma has planned on giving me a baby shower and so has my sister. I've seen the baby in an ultra sound and it is really cute. I never thought about abortion cause I am completely against it. Well I can't wait for the wonderful, yet painful day of labor and birth! I just want to let all of you pregnant teens that are under 15 that it's alright cause even though it's a mistake it's a wonderful miracle. Good Luck To All Of You!!!

6 weeks and counting

My husband and I got married in September. I immediately wanted to have a baby because i already have a 4 year old step daughter and wanted them to be close in age. Plus being that we have full custodey of her i always feel like i'm a mommy any ways so i want one. We tried a couple of times and said if it happens it happens. I took a test after feeling a little quezzy a couple days and to my suprise we are pregnant. my due date is sometime in the middle of july


It finally happened

Well you all it finally happened. Just when I was calling my doctor to tell her I didnt want to take the Clomid anymore. I said to my husband lets just put it in Gods hands. I took a preganacy test that following day and this was the last thing I was planning on seeing was a little pink (+) I couldnt think of words to say I just called my husband screaming . He came home and saw that test and just hugged me.....


1st pregnancy

A few months ago me and my boyfriend found out I was pregnant, 11 weeks now to be exact, with the trouble's of starting a new job I did not want to get fired so hiding it is gettign a little harder, but a lot easier since I have not gotten morning sickness yet. I asked me mom and she had 3 kids and never had morning sickness so i concider myself to be extremly lucky. I went for my first ultrasound last night and it was the most amazing thing in the world, to see the little feet moving around. Time to go out shopping because I am already starting to not fit in to my clothes. I am due May26th


Pregnant again

Hello everyone,
I am pregnant for the second time in two years. I lost my son in March a day before he was due. I thought I would be nervous in this pregnancy but I am not all. I am very happy to be pregnant again.......I find comfort and peace in this pregnancy. I am taking it one day at a time and not worring unless I am told by the doctors that there is a problem. So far so good I am 8 weeks and I do not have any sickness YET!!! I have had heartburn fierce from the start and very sore boobs, infact that is what lead me to test before my missed assumtions were so right!!!


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