Single Moms

It's not easy being a single mom. As a single parent, you have to take on double the parenting duty. Other issues can make this even more complex. For example, some young moms write about what to do if my boyfriend is an alcoholic. Please share your experience and wisdom. As you will see, these problems require a great support system, time management skills and top-notch parenting techniques. If you have tips to share with other single moms or just want to help other single mothers and single parents out there, then tell us your story.

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14 and pregnant.....what else??

I'm 14 and 15 weeks pregnant. I can't tell my mom because I know she will completely freak. Me and my boyfriend grew up together and we've been dating for 2 years. He knows about the baby and he couldn't be happier but I dot exactly feel that way. I'm only a freshman in high school and all I think to myself everyday is how can I keep this baby and keep my dreams and aspirations, I know I can't have it all and I'm not sure which one is more important to me. I wato give my baby the best life it can have and maybe that's with parents other than me and my boyfriend. But if I give the baby up for adoption my boyfriend will be heartbroken...... I guess I have a lost road of decision in front of me. Wish me luck.


dealing with it as a teenager

I was nineteen when I got pregnant. It was the night of my graduation. I had a boyfriend in the coastguard we planned on running away together. He was twenty-two. I was raised in a very christian house so that night I conceieved. I didn't find out I was pregnant intil' I was 1 in a half months along. I told my boyfriend first he was blesses he wanted kids. Then my mother found out and she made me marry him. If we were going to have a baby we had to be married she said. I then got married to him and surely regretted it after. He was in to drugs and achocol. I had my beautiful baby boy mattew and we moved to Michagan to live with his father. I then got pregnant again nine months later. I decided to run away from my husband, I went back to my mother and father and asked forgiveness. My mother was very supportive, She toke care of my sons very well. I love my mother. Then five years later I got pregnant again. With my beautiful daughter. I had already exerperenied raising a child alone with my two sons. I didn't want to that again. I planned to give my child up for adoption. Then when i was seven months along I went in to premature labor. I thought I was going to lose her. I decided to keep the child because I relized how much I love her. I was put on bed rest and I got fired from my job. I had my beautiful daughter Bella. I am so happy I have all of my kids Mattew, Biran and Bella. I love them and even though I rasied them alone. I never regret anything. Just make sure you know your options and you know what is best for you and your baby.


End of the world

I am 15 and 3 months pregnant. Im really scard. I have no idea what I'm going to do. My mom does know and she there for me. My friends tell me to get an abortion but I really don't want to I was thinking about adoption but I don't know if it would be the right choice. When I told my bf (he is 16) he left and won't talk to me. I really have no clue what Im going to do.


baby at 17

I got pregnant at 17 and went throught the pregnancy alone and when i was 7 in a half months i went into premature labor that they couldnt stop. My son was born weighing 4 pounds and had seizures. He was placed in the NICU for the next 10 weeks. I cryed alot i went through labor alone and now dealing with a premature baby alone. I was scared and was trying to do my best with it. My sons dad left and wanted nothing to do with us. I have been doing it alone and he is a special needs child and it isnt easy! So if you are reading this just know you can do it but its hard and you have to be willing to sacrafice alot for your baby. I had another baby at 19 and another at 21 and im a single mom to all three. I love them but somedays i have a hard time but know i can do this all on my own!!


Single Mother @ 17

When i was 16 i found out i was 6 weeks pregnant && when i told my childs father the first thing he said was he wanted a DNA test because there was no way the baby could be his..We Never Used A condom so i knew the baby was pregnancy was very hard..i was alone with only the support of my mother and 20 weeks i found out i was having a little girl and at 21 weeks i went into preterm labor && was put on bed rest..everything went smooth until 28 weeks && iiwent into preterm labor again and this time the doctors couldnt stop it for almost 3 was very scary && on June 15,2011 after being induced && 15 1/2 hours of natural labor i was stuck at 5cm and had to have a c-section in was scary but well worth it..@ 10:44pm Curiay Nole Was Born 6lbs 2oz 18 1/2in


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