Twins and Multiples

Being pregnant with twins, triplets or more can bring its own set of pregnancy experiences with it. If you've had a twin or multiple birth, share your story with us! Were your pregnancy symptoms more intense? How did you prepare for your babies' birth? Impart your words of wisdom to future moms of twins, triplets, and even quadruplets.

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Diet for pregnant with twIns

I am 10 weeks pregnant with twins. i have been doing some research in Dr. Luke's book, and I've found a lot of emphasis on the amount of red meat that I should be eating. I am worried because I don't like red meat that much. Also they recommend eating 2 eggs a day! That's too much!
Any advice?


7 weeks prego with Twins

I am 25 years old and have a 6 year old son. I have had two miscarriages in the past year and found out that I am pregnant again. I was having horrible pains so I went to the ER thinking it was a miscarriage... they did an ultrasound and they saw two sacs! Wow twins.

Tori F. Villasenor

Delivery jitters

I'm 29 yrs old and pregnant for the first time with twins. I already have two prior children with whom I’ve delivered naturally. I've heard horror stories with epidurals and c-sections... Help ease my worries.



I woke up one morning over the toilet, spilling everything I didn't eat the night before. I had just had a miscarriage about two months before, so I thought there was no way that I could be pregnant!

Well, the next week I scheduled a doctor's appointment and of course, I was pregnant. But something about this pregnancy set off a red flag! I was already high risk for the miscarriage a couple of months before, but they kept getting two heartbeats on the ultrasound. By the fourth ultrasound the doctor announced that it was identical twins! I'm now 10 weeks. I have a 17 month old little girl, and I too and only 22! HELP!


I'm scared

I've had a very big and stressful day as I have been feeling sick for weeks. I had a feeling I was pregnant but didn’t know my dates or nothing, so the doctor said that she’ll do a check up.

It took her a while to find a heartbeat then finally it popped up. She felt my stomach and said I was around 16 to 18. So to be sure she booked me in for a u/s to find out I’m 10 weeks pregnant with twins I’m SO scared I’m only 21.

I have a son whose over 1 and being 10 weeks pregnant with twins… is there a possibility I can miscarry or have a vanishing twin? I’m so scared. I’ve read a lot about twins and it all just came to me that I’m pregnant with twins and I wouldn’t want to lose them. This… it’s all new to me.


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