Twins and Multiples

Being pregnant with twins, triplets or more can bring its own set of pregnancy experiences with it. If you've had a twin or multiple birth, share your story with us! Were your pregnancy symptoms more intense? How did you prepare for your babies' birth? Impart your words of wisdom to future moms of twins, triplets, and even quadruplets.

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I could have never dreamed

My name is Haven. When I was 15 I found out I was pregnant. I was a sophomore in high school. I had no idea what was waiting ahead.

I told the baby’s daddy and he was ok with it. No one was ready for what was about to happen. I went to get an ultrasound and I was having twins.

I had a really bad pregnancy. I was in and out of the hospital. My babies were due at the beginning of August, however, I had them on April 22,2006.

They are both beautiful little girls. They were 16 weeks early and stayed in the hospital the first 3 months of their life. They both weighed 1 lb 6 ozs. They had a rough start but are healthy now.

I am happily married. It sometimes is very difficult but when you see your child smile at you it makes every hardship worthwhile.


I'm four months pregnant. I was very excited when I found out that I was.

I went to the doctor last month and they told me it was twins. I was excited.

At the begining of this month I got a call and was told it was triplets. These are my first children so I am excited.

Ashley Camryn

We're having TWINS!

My husband and I had to have fertility treatment. I was given injectables to stimulate ovulation and then we had interuterine insemination (IUI). The first two tries didn't work but on our third attempt, I was pregnant! We were over the moon and first saw the heartbeat at 6wks. At our 8wk u/s, the heartbeat had gone. Our baby had died and I had to have a D&C. We were absolutely devastated.

We tried again and on the next IUI cycle I was pregnant again. I had 2 eggs at ovulation so knew there was a chance of twins. Our first u/s revealed two sacs. One had a heartbeat and the other one didn't. The dr said the other one could be a bit slow to grow, or it could just disappear. Over the weeks, we watched it getting smaller until one day it was gone. I gave birth to a wonderful baby boy at 37wks. He is now 14 months and we decided its time to try for baby number 2.

Back on the injections and another round of IUI. This time I had two eggs again. Pregnant again!! My HCG level was quite high and after doing some research on the net I discovered that it was very high for a singleton but I would have to wait for my 6wk u/s to know for sure. The night before my first u/s I dreamt that during the u/s we saw two sacs and two babies. Well, my u/s was exactly as I had dreamt. There were the two little sacs and two heartbeats. We are thrilled, excited and very daunted! I am only 7wks but my jeans are feeling tight and my husband says he can see my tummy is bigger already. My boobs have also grown a lot :-)

Wishing everyone the best of luck


Way too many!

My name is Hallie and I'm 27 and I have a story that is going to be hard to believe but it is true and so here is my story. Let me tell you about my life. I’m rich and I have a big family. I have an older sister, twin Brothers, triplet sisters, twin sisters and 1 brother. I lived in a big huge house with cooks and maids. I have the best life right?

Well the story starts when I was in the 5th grade. I had this crush on a boy named Calub. He was the total opposite of me: he wasn’t rich, he had all half siblings, and his family had problems – but I didn’t care. I liked him a lot; all the girls at that school did. I was popular and hung in that crowd; he was popular and hung out in the stoner group. One day my best Friend Brad asked Calub to come over to my house because Brad thinks he lives with me anyway, and when he did come over Calub told me that he liked me and I thought that he was kidding, but he wasn’t. He asked me if I liked him and I said Ya and he kissed me and then we went to my room and he asked if I wonted to and I said yes and I lost my Virginity.

Well soon after tha,t like three days later, I went to Claub’s house and met his mom. She wasn’t that nice she yelled at him a lot and anyway I went to his room while he went out to do his chores and his brother Kelly walked down the hall and came in and talk to me then he tried to rape me. I yelled for Calub but he kept hitting me and telling me to shut up and that he would hurt me if I yelled any more. No one was home the mom left and Calub was out side and I kept yelling and Calub heard and came in and freaked on Kelly and they fought until the mom came home and kicked Calub out so Calub lived with me.

My 8th Grade year came and me and Calub still were together and we lived with my older sister Ashley and her husband and I found out I was pregnant. I told Ashley and she told Calub. He was happy cause it was his and thought it was great but scary. Well a few weeks past and I found out I was having twins and then we were shocked. Well Nine months came and me and Calub had Two girls Skye Rayna June and Ciara Laura June and then like 3 months later I was pregnant again with Twins no joke

We all were shocked cause we didn’t think that could happen two times in a row but it did and I have now two sets of twins. I was happy and that’s what mattered. Well after I had them I had two more girls Paige Ray and Brooke Marie. Well my life got a little easier; me and Calub got a house and we lived with our 4 kids and that’s any teen girls dream living with her boyfriend. Well I got to and that was the wrong thing to do cause soon I got pregnant for the third time. My mom was shocked cause I was her baby; she was mad cause what mom wouldn’t be if their teen-age daughter had 4 kids and was only 16? Well I was having twins again. See I told you this would be hard to believe but its true.

I had two boys now; that’s what Calub had always wanted cause we had too many girls before so he wanted boys so we did: Bryan Calub and Trentton Allan. When I turned 19 Calub thought we should do stuff for my b-day like take me out and eat and have fun and come home and do stuff; well 9 months later I had not 1 not 2 but 3 - that’s right: triplets! That was the most shocking of all; 2 girls and a boy Jessica Ann, Steven Wayne and Lacey May. After that I had my tubes tied cause that was enough kids. Nine kids and I was only 19.

Well I’m 27 now and my kids are good. Me and Calub got married and we are grandparents cause Ciara had a girl. She’s 1 years old and I like being a grandma I hate the name but that’s my hard-to-believe story

Hallie Moore


I am 5 1/2 weeks pregnant and this will be my fourth.... and fifth? I have an appointment to see my doctor for this first time in my ninth week. Why are they waiting so long? Anyway, this pregnancy feels completely different. I have never had morning sickness, nor severe fatigue.

Oh my goodness, all I do is sleep now and I have to have crackers before I can even get out of bed! (This has been going on since I was only 3 weeks pregnant!

I am so anxious to know! How can I wait 3 more weeks!


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