Second Trimester
The second trimester is often one of the most blissful times in pregnancy. Not only is your pregnant belly growing, but so is your excitement about your new baby! So share that excitement about your second trimester experiences with us. Tell us about your baby's fetal development, recent ultrasounds, and other aspects of his prenatal care. And don't forget to share your experiences with continuing pregnancy symptoms, like swelling, morning sickness, and all around aches and pains! We want to hear from you! |
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a couple thingsI'm 18 years old and 14 weeks pregnant. Julies story inspired me to post something because my family is giving me a very hard time about this whole thing. I am constantly being told that this is wrong and that I'm way too young and yada yada. Its going so far as people in my family wont talk to me anymore. But then I look at my ultrasound pictures, my growing stomach, and I realize that even though this might not be the right thing for other people ... it's the right thing for me. It's only fair to give my babys life a chance. Oh, and BTW I have been gettin EXTREME morning sickness all day long and I found that soup and crackers really helps ease my stomach. I also bought morning sickness lollipops from Babies R Us (Preggie Pops) and they're so wonderful for when I'm driving in my car and can't eat. I'm also VERY tight on money ... I moved in with my boyfriend and it's hard making ends meet ... so does anybody have any cheap snack/meal ideas that are healithier than a can of ravilois? Angela secondHI this is my second time going to mum. i have one son who is 3 yrs. besically i am from nepal and my husband study in uk and we came here 7th july in his dependend visa. when i came here i never thinkinpg i would have second child i was thinking i will support to my husband as a financial way as well. because he dont work and giving full of his time for his study thats i why i have to work to survive our lifebut god wants somethings diffrence now i have baby and cants work but both of us wants baby. when we knew we have baby we had some tention also but when we saw our child on the scan we thought we will not kill him we have to give chance to see his or her life so we are trying for happy and his famiies also supporting for this so please pray us for our good life and healty child. i wish i would have one daughter but lets see what will happen? bye viewers ......... mamata full of hopeI am pregnant with my first baby and Im 18 weeks. I am thrilled and so in awe of this amazing miracle occuring inside my body. I want to commend Julie for deciding to keep her baby. It will be the best decision of your life! The moment your eyes meet your baby's, it will be love at first sight. I admire you because it takes enormous strength to face up to your responsibility and take care of an innocent being entering your life and that of your boyfriend's.Enjoy this blessing from God and take care of yourself knowing that the love of your life is on his/her way. Best wishes to everyone! aida miscarriage scareI found out I was pregnant the middle of june. We had just gotten married in May, and had just started trying! When I was 6 weeks I went for an u/s. i was told that there was no baby, just an empty sac. I was devasted and told everybody I was going to miscarry. 1 week later I went for a follow up u/s, and there was a beautiful little heartbeat!! I was very angry at the dr. who told me I was going to miscarry!!! I am now 14 1/2 weeks and getting bigger everyday. I can't wait to find out if it is a girl or a boy.shelley annoying first time momWhen me and my then fiancee talked about a baby, it was always when we got all the bills paid and when we were more financially stable. So it came a surprise when just a week before our wedding I found myself pregnant. Of course, I immediatly started worring about the alcoholic drinks I had consumed at my bachorlette party just a few nights before.From the get-go, I thought I had every pregnancy complication known to man. I drove my husband crazy with what-ifs. At our first doc appt. it took the nurse forever to find the tiny heartbeat. While she moved the doppler around, I turned and gave my husband an I-told-you-so look. But before I could do anything else, there it was. A perfect heartbeat! Besides having a low placenta, my pregnancy has been wonderful and now at 27 and 1/2 weeks pregnant, the end is now in sight. At our ultrasound at 19 weeks we were informed that we are having a baby girl. I haven't gotten over my worry completely though. This past weekend we painted the nursery a delightful shade up pink, but instead of being excited, I annoyed my husband with " what if its a boy. What then?" I guess some habits die hard. Mandy Page: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36 |