Second Trimester
The second trimester is often one of the most blissful times in pregnancy. Not only is your pregnant belly growing, but so is your excitement about your new baby! So share that excitement about your second trimester experiences with us. Tell us about your baby's fetal development, recent ultrasounds, and other aspects of his prenatal care. And don't forget to share your experiences with continuing pregnancy symptoms, like swelling, morning sickness, and all around aches and pains! We want to hear from you! |
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abnormal pap smearWhen I first got pregnant, I went to my doctor. I was 6 weeks preggo. She took a pap smear and it came back high grade. I was told to get a colpospy (sorry for the spelling). I'm really scared of something happening to my baby. They say it's safe but I'm not sure and even if I do this and find something wrong, I can't be treated now. I wouldn't get rid of my baby; I'm 16 weeks, due Dec 11. What should I do? tren Miracle MovesMy husband and I were married on June 7, 2005. In the beginning we were content to our family just consisting of the two of us for at least 2 years, but as the weeks went by I began to desire a baby strongly. I eventually talked my husband into trying. We began trying in August of that year. I say we began in August because that was when I was due for another Deppo shot. I didn't take it, of course, but I had been on it for over 2 years about 2 years prior to getting married (I hate periods).Well, because of the shot I didn't have a period until November of 2005. Before that first period I took several negative pregnacy tests, disappointment growing with each negative one. A couple weeks after my November period I tested again, negative. I had another period 5 days before Christmas and felt completely discouraged. I didn't take another one for over a month. Around the middle of January 2006 I began to feel more tired than usual and at odd times during the day. I didn't pay much attention to it. Then my breasts began to ache and be extremely tender. I had increased my bra size by a full cup, but thought that it was from "newlywed weight gain" I had heard so much about. I began to be over-emotional in the last week or two of the month, to my husband's dismay, and would cry myself to sleep at night because I wanted a baby so badly but continued to get negative pregnancy tests! On the 30th of January I took a test at my husband's request, fully expecting a negative result, as usual. When I looked at it and found that it was positive, I had to look at it again...and then again. I read the instructions on the box over and over and compared them to the test stick I held. It seemed so surreal. I was finally pregnant! I called my husband into the bathroom to show him and we thanked God together. (I think he was really thankful that I was done with my self-pitying bouts of tears.) I took the other test just because I could (I still have both of them) and because I was so happy to finally receive a positive! NEVER had a plus sign looked so beautiful to me! I went to the doctor for a blood test to confirm pregnancy. Of course it was positive, too. They determined that I was 6 weeks pregnant. I went in for my first ultrasound and saw my little "blob" on the screen. I was so happy! Then a few weeks later we got to hear the heartbeat. Never was there a more precious sound for my ears! I began feeling the baby move around week 15, but barely. As the weeks go by I feel more and more distinct movement. I am now in my 22nd week of pregnancy. I talk to my little one all the time. My husband and I went to find out what whether we'll be saying "It's a Boy" or "It's a Girl," but to our dismay the baby wouldn't spread for the doctor. Oh well, we've got a 4D ultrasound scheduled for July. The baby will have no choice then! It's amazing to know that God chose women to be the bearers of new life and that we alone get to experience and feel the little life inside of us, sustaining it throughout its development. It's times like these that I find myself thankful to be a woman! (Ok, a bit overboard, but its the hormones.) I find myself sometimes worrying over whether this little blessing is ok when I don't feel a lot of movement, but then I remember that this gift is from God and my baby's life is in His hands. I called this "MIracle Moves" because of the doctors telling my husband that he probably wasn't going to be able to get anyone pregnant and because I had a disease that sterilizes women (I'd had it untreated for over a year and before I met my husband, I had tried to conceive many times and failed). This little one is our little miracle, and the movements are proof that this child is strong and healthy, ready to join the 4 more months! Jennifer Rejection to acceptanceI am a mother of an 18 month old girl (Zipporah) and now am expecting my second one. This pregnancy varies from my first in the aspect that it was a very unexpected and unplanned one. There was absolute rejection from me in carrying this child as i had unbearable nausea, sleeplessness, vomiting and discomfort. I wasn't able to eat anything for about 2 months.When I was about 8 weeks I had slight bleeding for which I was hospitalised, and Praise God it was just a threatened abortion. Scan showed the heartbeat of my child and that's when my joy of seeing him alive overwhelmed me. I slowly started changing my mind from rejection to acceptance and started loving my new one forming in the womb. I am now in my 14 th week, and could feel my child move in me occasionally which gives me a feeling of mother again. I pray that I would deliver him in the right weight in the right month so that our joy may be complete. My husband was supportive throuhout these weeks. Thank God for him. Ramya Vincent what a surpriseImagine 9 years of marriage and no children. My husband and I decided after we got married to let God decide if we were to have children. I knew it would be a challenge because of my history of irregular periods, but we were not comfortable using drugs or doctors to help us either.So fast forward 9 years and to my amazement my husband told me he knew I was pregnant. Of course I thought so too after having felt horrible for a couple of weeks. So it was Christmas 2004 and we called everyone. That was a bad plan because I miscarried two days later. Now fast forward nearly 13 months to January 2006. I feel the same horrible feelings as last year so we don't say a thing. We scheduled an appt. and to our surprise there was a tiny little baby growing. It is now 15 1/2 weeks and I am doing great. I can't wait for this child to be born. our 10 year anniversary is in May and at 33 we are more ready than ever to be parents. Amy A little SurpriseMy finance and I have been together for 4 years and I'd been trying to conceive for over a year. Now that I'm 25 weeks pregnant it's so cute to see how my finance reacts to certain things.We were watching Tv last night and about to eat our dinner when all the sudden our baby boy, Isaiah started moving rapidly. My finance had never been able to see him move on the outside of my stomach until last night. He was so amazed and couldnt believe that he could actually see him move! Of course he just had to lay his hands and head on my stomach to feel him move. It's amazing how much guys really change and respond when it comes to their own first borns. Good luck to all the new mothers out there. Keep smiling. Ashley Page: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36 |