First Trimester

Trying to get pregnant is an exciting time in a woman's life, but it isn't always easy. From counting menstrual cycles to buying countless pregnancy tests, getting pregnant is often an experience in and of itself. We want to hear about all of your experiences, from your first pregnancy test right up to your first pregnancy symptoms. And feel free to share your conception secrets with other hopeful couples!

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sick as a dog....

I'm in my 8th week and I'm 25 and have been horribly sick from being dizzy, throwing up every other day, and very exhausted and not able to eat. I was thinking about abortion just because I am so sick and I really wasn't prepared for it. I can't even work and I didn't think it was normal.

But after hearing a story very similar to mine it's made me change my mind plus my boyfriend of 7 years is very supportive he makes me tea every morning before I go to work to make me feel better and has been helping out a lot. He is actually very excited to be a parent I think I'm just more scared than anything. But I think it will be worth it in the end.

Thanks for the stories they help.

Unexpected 2nd

I am 25yrs and this is my 2nd pregnancy and it was totally unplanned. My hubby and I have a beautiful 2 yr old daughter and I just started work in another country. I've thought about abortion as I just graduated and I'm lucky to have found this job overseas.

I've already had 2 abortions and am sad when I think of them. But I hate this morning sickness, which occurs 24/7, heartburn, indigestion, tiredness etc. I'm the breadwinner as my hubby baby-sits our daughter and also he did not go to uni so I don't know if he'll be able to obtain a good job to support us if I can not work anymore.

Also employees are only allowed maternity leave after 12 months employment so I am unsure if I will be given maternity leave as I have only worked for a month here.
But my hubby is over the moon and really wants this baby whom he believes is a boy.
I just hope everything will turn out fine.....I know GOD would never put us in circumstances which we could not handle so I'll out my whole trust in Him.

I'm going to start praying for my supervisors/bosses so that they may be understanding of my situation. Please Lord be with me and all the other pregnant ladies who are in need of your guidance. AMEN


stay put little one

Just got BFP after 14 months of trying for #2.

Found out at 3+2 wks and had a short light bleed at 4 weeks. Going to GP tomorrow and hoping all is ok. Also experienced some cramping since period was due which is scary especially with the bleed but read threatened mc is common so fingers crossed.

All being well my EDD will be 08.02.08. Soooo excited but nervous too


Worried Sick..

I’m Ashley I’m almost 3 weeks pregnant and I feel as if I'm going to lose my baby. I know what you’re all thinking but my pregnancy isn’t very easy... Well my parents hate my boyfriend. Me and my boyfriend have been fighting a lot especially yesterday and I feel very stressed out... I’m just way worried for my baby right now. Okay yeah I’m 14 but I act older. But if I really acted older don’t you think I would be a little less stressed?

I had been pressured to think about a lot of things that I know I’m not going to do like Abortion or Adoption. It's not my thing so I’m going to keep my baby, but first we just need to make it through the next few months than a little bit of stress can come off me. I just am worried for my 18 almost 19-year-old boyfriend’s sake. I feel as if I’m messing his life up. But it seems all at the same time he is messing mine up by sooo much stress he is causing me right now.

Well honestly I just really need somebody to talk to and I feel alone and don’t know what to do right now...Uhmm but Thank you for listening to my story...Maybe I will feel better later on.


Pregnant at last

Hi after 10 years of miscarriages and an ectopic and losing a tube I gave up.

My periods were 2 weeks late on Friday so I done a test thinking it will be negative and couldn't believe I am pregnant I have been for a scan today I am between 5 - 6 weeks my scan was quite early however they seen that a sack was growing in my womb going back in a month for another scan pray that I don't bleed before then and the great news is it's not ectopic.

Congratulations to everyone who is pregnant and keep trying for those who are trying. xx


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