First Trimester

Trying to get pregnant is an exciting time in a woman's life, but it isn't always easy. From counting menstrual cycles to buying countless pregnancy tests, getting pregnant is often an experience in and of itself. We want to hear about all of your experiences, from your first pregnancy test right up to your first pregnancy symptoms. And feel free to share your conception secrets with other hopeful couples!

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is this common?

I didn’t get my period last month. I was so nervous and excited. I did a pregnancy test at home and it came out positive, but when we went to the doctor, she couldn’t see anything. She said it looks suspicious and said maybe it was too early - it was not visible. She told me to get a blood test and come back after two weeks to have a scan again. Went home and cried my eyes out while my husband looked on helplessly. Poor guy!!

I am so nervous. I have no symptoms of pregnancy. I am so scared that when I go again, she will tell me that I am not pregnant or that my pregnancy has to be aborted.

Please pray for us. I would love to hold my baby in my hand and even though my husband keeps telling me it is not important I know he wants it too.


16 and am 2weeks pregnant

I am 16 and am 2 weeks pregnant. I took a test and it turned out that I was and I haven’t told my mom yet because I am afraid of what she will say. My boyfriend is 20 years old and he loves the fact that I am. Ever since I found out he has been so happy.

We are trying to get jobs so when we do break the news they can’t say we haven’t tried to get ourselves together but I know that I can do it and whatever I have to do to make my child have a better life than the one I have I will do.

It’s easer said than done but since than I have been saving my money, I watch what I eat and my boy friend has me working out and stretching, but I know it won’t be easy. It will be hard work


Starting to be happy

Well at first I thought it was just something wrong with me, until I started reading up on pregnancy because my boyfriend has been currently trying to get me pregnant, so I figured I most likely am.

I am experiencing nausea, ALL DAY. I’m hoping that I don’t start throwing up seeing as I don’t even like that word. My breasts are tender but they did get bigger (which I am not complaining about). I do feel like I have cramps sometimes, and that’s about it.

This is a very helpful website, seeing as I am tired of feeling nauseous all day.



I'm 21 years old and I found out less than a week ago that I'm pregnant. I am in complete shock! It feels like it was just yesterday that I graduated from High School, and I keep asking myself if I'm ready for it. I'm about 4 weeks now and I’m waiting for my doctor to come back from vacation on Monday. What I can't decide is if I'm ready. If we're ready.

I've been with my boyfriend for a year and although we're both in college I feel we have so much to accomplish. My mom says it's not like my life's going to stop and I hope we both accomplish all of my goals regardless of our first child.

I think that although many of my good girlfriends went the route of abortion I want to keep my baby. How can I deny my gift from God?


1st Timer

I'm 30 and found out I'm pregnant in Nov. I'm just starting my 12th week. I've known so many women in my life that have miscarried, I was afraid to tell anyone too soon. My first symptoms were feeling chubby with sore boobs. I was also very sensitive to food odors. One thing no one told me is that these symptoms will come and go. Here I thought I'd have the same symptoms every day all day. So one day when I wasn't tired, nauseous or moody, I wondered if everything was ok!

Now I know to just take advantage of days where I feel good. Also, I haven't had many food cravings...but I do have food aversions. Whenever I even think of green onions, queso, Mexican or Italian stomach churns. Funny because normally I could eat queso for dinner - and normally I love Mexican and Italian!

So that's my story - only I omitted the horrible mood swings and bouts of crying I've also experienced. Being pregnant is so different than I thought it'd be. Oh, and might I recommend Haagen Daz strawberry ice cream : )


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