First Trimester

Trying to get pregnant is an exciting time in a woman's life, but it isn't always easy. From counting menstrual cycles to buying countless pregnancy tests, getting pregnant is often an experience in and of itself. We want to hear about all of your experiences, from your first pregnancy test right up to your first pregnancy symptoms. And feel free to share your conception secrets with other hopeful couples!

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tricia "losing hope"

After reading your story i wanted to write to you. i've just had my 2nd miscarriage and can totally understand how your feeling, my partner is there too but like you say it's not enough, i had my last miscarriage in june and he seems to forgot about the whole thing, whereas everyday it's all i think about, i feel alone and like ive failed, i see all my friends pregnant and i wish it was me.

I'm trying to get pregnant again now but i'm not too sure as im scared it will end in a miscarriage, and im scared to death of going through that again. My heart really goes out to you, I'm trying to hold on to every little bit of hope there is and pray.

Stay positive Tricia. I wish you all the luck in the world and hope it all turns out for you.


anembryonic pregnancy

i found out when i went for my first scan in may 06, that i had an anembryonic pregnancy which is where the foetus fails to develop, but your body stills think that your pregnant but theres just no baby developing. (i thought i was 3months pregnant and even had a bump)

i was told that i would have to wait to miscarry the sac. i eventually did 06/06/06, and ended up having to be rushed in to hospital as the bleeding would not stop, and i was very weak, passing out & experiencing contractions as everything made its way out. i knew something was wrong in my pregnancy from day one, i was getting back pain, i had aneamia, and was going jaundice. i'm also rhesus negative blood group, i had a miscarriage when i was 16 as well and didnt realise if you are negative you need to have a injection when you miscarriage/give birth. i dont really know why this is, i had an injection after my 2nd miscarriage but i don't know whether it's too late now as i didn't have one after my first loss.

i'm only 18 now and was absolutely devastated when i found out there was no baby. i'm going to try and concieve hopefully again soon. i've only just stopped bleeding 2 1/2 month down the line, i didnt plan to get pregnant before, but now i feel so much loss im desperate for a baby, but really scared as i don't want to go through any more miscarriages.



Hi everyone I am 26 Yrs old and just found out that I am pregnant. I have a 5 year old that is beautiful and happy. I had a great pregnancy with him.

I am scared though with this pregnancy because i had a miscarriage back in March and had to have a D&C done in April. I am really worried because i am only three weeks preg. I found out when i went in for my yearly physical.

Do you want to hear something weird, I was having my period when i got pregnant and it did not end till about a week ago and now i am having some light cramping. I am scared that everytime i pee that i am going to see blood, and because i did bleed some they are treating this preg. like a possible ectopic preg. until I am far enough long to def. see if a sac is in my uterus. Has anyone had this problem or a past ectopic preg.

please pray that this preg is going to be ok. Thanks for letting me vent



I took a sonograph ultra-sound when I was 5-6 weeks pregnant and I was told that the only thing was seen was a yolk sac and my HCG level was 7400.

I just had my first appointment at 8 weeks and now the doctor is telling me since they could not see a pole or baby, that my baby was not growing and I might have to have a D&C He took another blood test to see if my level went up since then and he said if it went up a little, the baby isn't alive and if it went up too much, it still needs to be aborted.


Fingers Are Crossed

I had a miscarriage at the beginning of June, but I am pregnant again and 5 weeks along. I feel pretty good, no nausea or vomiting, but I am so scared of having another miscarriage!

My boobs are definately growing - lots of blue veins everywhere, but even though they are a little sore, they're not killing me. Are they supposed to hurt really bad or does anyone know if it's okay for them to not get more painful? The bit of soreness I have is still there, but it's not getting worse. Maybe that's perfectly normal for some women?


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